Daily Farm Timetable
Our amazing Daily Farm Activities run every day, however they may be subject to change seasonally and occasionally due to adverse weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstance. If you have an activity you are really looking forward to and don’t want to miss out, then please feel call us on the day of your visit to check with us beforehand (01980) 629438
Please arrive 5 minutes before the activity is due to take place, to ensure you do not miss out.
All activities are subject to changes at any given time, if you would like to ensure your desired activity is taking place at the correct time according to the website, then please give us a call before you visit on (01980) 629438 to ensure you get to take part in it.
If you feel like you've missed out on a particular activity, please just let us know when you are here and we will speak to the Farm Staff to ensure they can try to accommodate you during your visit with us.
All activities are weather permitting due to health and safety reasons. If there is a particular activity you wish to take part in, please call on the day of your visit to ensure that all activities are running and at what time, so you don't miss out on your favourites!
Please feel free to call us before you visit just to double check everything is open and running as usual (01980) 629438.
The farm currently closes at 4pm
Don’t forget to find us on our social media channels and tag us in all of your photos to share memories from your special day with us! @choldertonrarebreedsfarm